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SPEAK Caldas (English Version)


Today, around 38.000 people are connected through SPEAK.

The project was born in 2012 and within 8 years has expanded into 27 cities located in 3 continents, becoming global. The cultural diversity of this universe is represented by 185 countries, having allowed the sharing of 50 languages.

SPEAK Caldas, despite having some implementation issues and the added difficulty posed to close relationships by the current situation, has had since September 2014, 198 participants belonging to 32 nationalities. Maybe it is time to make a memory exercise because the understanding of a language, spoken or written, is the most important element to unite people from different cultures.

At Caldas, SPEAK is unquestionably linked to the social sector and its bond to Ordem do Trevo – an association of volunteers that intervenes with families in need, allows a indirect intervention at the local level through the channelling of 75% of the funds payed by participants in SPEAK language groups. This is maybe the most committed and perceived by those who participate in it. In a direct way, SPEAK freely welcomes people with financial issues that want to be part of a group. It creates opportunities among those who would not otherwise have access to, for example, the participation in English speaking groups.

Taking part in SPEAK is a very positive experience.

For the ones who learn, it broadens contacts, knowledge and information beyond their restricted social network, facilitating integration in the local community and creating shared networks whit the ones already in the project. For the ones who teach, it develops communication skills and allows them to share their country’s culture. It fosters opportunities to unemployed, immigrant and other country’s refugees that wish to expand their skills within the training/education area.

Maybe the least visible part is the commitment that our main partner, AIRO (Associação Empresarial da Região do Oeste), has done by providing rooms for the group’s meetings or events. As SPEAK is notable for its informal environment, and it isn’t uncommon meetings outdoors, in cafes or other spaces happen sometimes, but the fact that we were able to ensure rooms with excellent conditions enables stability to focus on the communication, structuring of new groups, support to the participants and buddies.

From the participants in the informal groups, around 75% belong to foreign communities that live in the municipality or in the ones adjoining. The typical participant of SPEAK Caldas is foreign, retired, average age above 50 years old, schooling above average, multiple professional experiences, eager to learn Portuguese and to integrate. Is has not been easy to reach the young or national local people despite having tried to start language groups like German, Spanish, Russian or Mandarin.

The use of the social network has brought some visibility to SPEAK Caldas, but it remains essentially a project of “spreading the word” among friends and family by those participating, which has been confirmed by the applications. The informality and positive group dynamics have turned out to be critical factors for the growth of the SPEAK community in Caldas that, although slow, has been constant, also supported by the perseverance and professional experience of their founders, creating an identity known by all.

SPEAK is a social project that enables the welcoming and integration of immigrants in the local communities. It fights social exclusion. It gathers people regardless of religious beliefs, politic ideology or gender. In its essence, SPEAK does not mistakes beliefs with truth, prejudice with fairness of opportunities or moral approaches with ethical commitment.

There is great humility in the SPEAK community because we do not suffer from “the illusion of knowledge”. Although each one of us has our own set of knowledge, the only way to grow as individuals is through the community. And only by witnessing great cultural diversity, can we not subdue the different individual perspective to the one of the group. If there is a global perspective, its acceptance.

SPEAK is a project that mobilizes, shares and replicates essential values for the development of a city that wants to be inclusive and foment a more integrative community, providing the best conditions for all the people within. 💚


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