Today, around 38.000 people are connected through SPEAK . The project was born in 2012 and within 8 years has expanded into 27 cities located in 3 continents, becoming global. The cultural diversity of this universe is represented by 185 countries, having allowed the sharing of 50 languages. SPEAK Caldas , despite having some implementation issues and the added difficulty posed to close relationships by the current situation, has had since September 2014, 198 participants belonging to 32 nationalities. Maybe it is time to make a memory exercise because the understanding of a language, spoken or written, is the most important element to unite people from different cultures. At Caldas, SPEAK is unquestionably linked to the social sector and its bond to Ordem do Trevo – an association of volunteers that intervenes with families in need, allows a indirect intervention at the local level through the channelling of 75% of the funds payed by participants in SPEAK language groups. Th...